Mulligan Building (City 2), City of El Paso
This project is about the rehabilitation of the underutilized 1915 building to a new emergency operations center for the City of El Paso, which provides roughly 73,000 gross SF of new office space. This project is a perfect example of how In*Situ specializes in giving new life to historic buildings. At the exterior, the project restores the 1915 building to its historic beauty and activates the street front along Campbell Street with new storefronts along the sidewalk.
As this project demonstrates, our premise is to design contemporary interiors for the historic buildings we rehabilitate. We have created a modern, collaborative workspace for the city staff now occupying the building. The building provides offices for the IT and Engineering Departments, shared meeting spaces for use by all city departments, and retail lease space. Designed to LEED standards, the building has a state-of-the-art VRV heating and cooling system and a new building envelope. The building contains an emergency generator from which emergency operations can run for 24 hours off grid-supplied power. Also provided is an EPS emergency backup power for the data center and redundant Liebert Cooling systems. The 5th floor contains an emergency call center modeled after the existing 911 call center across the street. Shower facilities in the basement allow for continued 24 hr emergency operations for city staffThe building serves as the new home for the City's IT and Engineering departments, among others. The Mulligan Building project was awarded the AIA Merit Award for Historic Preservation and the Mayor's Award by the AIA in 2014. With the designation of the Mayor's reward, Mayor Leeser commented:"Transforming the Mulligan from its unfortunate 'modernized' state required not only talent, but placed a high demand on the architects' patience and problem-solving skills. The Mulligan project represents one of the important early events in Downtown El Paso's 21st-century revitalization..." |
Project Facts Location: Downtown El Paso, Texas Year: 2014 Status: Completed Project Area: 73,000 SF Services: Complete Architectural Service including Construction, Rehabilitation, Restoration & Interior Design Program: Office Space Awards: AIA Design Award – Mayor’s Award & AIA Design Award – Merit Award, 2014 |